Governing Document Guide
EPGCHA Governing Documents Guide
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's)
The Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements (CC&R's) was established to protect the environmental, architectural and financial integrity of the Eagle Point Golf Community, thereby protecting the financial investments of individual homeowners as well as providing a high-quality lifestyle for all.
The Homeowner's Association through its Board of Directors is charged with the responsibility of enforcing the CC&R's and has the authority to levy fines for noncompliance.
The EPGCHA believes the documents listed below are the most complete and current documents available. However, please contact any local Title Company to obtain legally verified copies of all CC&R documents recorded with Jackson County. To order printed copies, contact Fieldstone Management.
PDF Files for Download
Phase 2 CC&R Supplemental Declarations
Phase 3 CC&R Supplemental Declarations
Phase 4 CC&R Supplemental Declarations
Phase 5 CC&R Supplemental Declarations
Phase 6 CC&R Supplemental Declarations
Phase 7 CC&R Supplemental Declarations
Phase 8 CC&R Supplemental Declarations
Phase 9 CC&R Supplemental Declarations
Phase 10 CC&R Supplemental Declarations
Phase Glenwood CC&R Supplemental Declarations
Phase 12 CC&R Supplemental Declarations
Articles of Incorporation
Adopted Resolutions
Rules & Regulations
(amended November 2009)
(amended Sept. 7, 2010)
(amended August 1, 2012)
(amended Jan. 13, 2013)
(amended October 2013)
(amended Oct. 15, 2017)
(amended Feb. 6, 2018)
(amended March. 19, 2018)
Download PDF
Schedule of Fines
(amended Nov. 2014)
(amended Dec. 2014)
(amended Oct. 2017)
Download PDF